
 The Town of Milford has a rich history.  Separated from Amherst and established as an independent town in 1794, Milford was a prime stop on the Underground Railroad.  Located in southern New Hampshire on the banks of the Souhegan River, the town is named after  the River’s shallow Mill Ford, so called after the many mills at this location in the eighteenth century.  Milford is still a favorable spot for business…more.

The Town of Amherst is located in the southern tier of the State of New Hampshire within Hillsborough County. As far as regions of the state, Amherst is located on the western edge of the Merrimack Valley and the eastern edge of the Monadnock region. It is equidistant to the two largest cities in New Hampshire, Manchester and Nashua, being less than 15 miles to the downtowns of both cities…more.

The Small Town of Brookline is home to about 4,950 residents and is a quintessential New England town in Hillsborough County. Brookline is home to the Talbot-Taylor Wildlife Sanctuary. A 20 minute drive to the city of Manchester, Brookline is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Rich in history, it was incorporated 1769. The first industry was grain mills, saw mills, lumber and charcoal.

Best of Souhegan 2015